August 24, 2006

RSSB......This Friday and Sunday

This Friday Night, August 24th, catch your

Friendly Neighborhood Riverside Blues Band

at our

favorite Biker Bar

The San Carlos Country Club

Music Starts @ 9:00!

This Sunday August 27th same place, different time.....

Join the Riverside Blues Band, Borderline, Fire & Iron and many more friends
for a benefit Poker Run and party to benefit our Lee County Veterans!

Proceeds to Benefit the Lee County Veterans Association,

Van fund.

The Vans are used to transport Lee County Veterans to the V.A Clinincs in the Tampa are for medical attention....They kept us safe, HELP TO KEEP THEM HEALTHY!

For more information on both of these dates, click here:

Then scroll down to August and click on the dates to get maps, information, to see the poker run flyer, etc!

See you there!
